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Assess the Quality of Life on HIV Positive Children

Shibi R.


The purpose of the study was to assess the quality of life on HIV positive children. Quantitative research approach with a non-experimental research design was used for the study. The study was conducted at community development HIV care center, Madurai and St. Anns care center, Thirunagar. The duration for data collection was 6 weeks. 80 samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. Consent was obtained from the administrative authority of selected HIV care centers in Madurai. Assurance was given to each study subject before starting the data collection. Ethical clearance was obtained from institutional research board. Data was collected by face to face interview method held with the sample by using modified pediatric quality of life inventory. The study revealed that majority (46 (57.5%)) of them had moderate quality of life, 19 (23.8%) had low quality of life, less number of children 15 (18.8%) had a high quality of life. Significant association between the quality of life and selected demographic variable shows that there was a statistically significant quality of life of HIV positive children.

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