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The Physiology of Haemopoiesis: Review

Gyanendra Kumar Gupta, Gagan Devi


Haemopoiesis is the origin, development and maturation of blood cells ie RBCs, WBCs, and platelets. Therefore  the term haemopoiesis includes Erythropoiesis ie origin development & maturation of  RBCs ,Leucopoiesis ie origin, development & maturation of WBCs. And Mega karyocytopoiesis ie origin, development & maturation  of platelets

After the birth and through out life haemopoiesis takes place in bone marrow. Red cell and White blood cells production is highly regulated production in healthy adult. Although researcher understand the basics of haemopoiesis,there is an ongoing scientific debate about how the mechanism of haemopoiesis.

The Goal of this article is to explain the detailed physiology of Haemopoiesis that is Erythropoiesis,Leucopoiesis and Megakaryocytopoiesis..

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