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Knowledge Regarding use of Water Low Scale in Prolonged Bedridden Patients among Staff Nurses in Selected Hospital, Bangalore

Hemam Sangeeta Devi


Introduction and objectives: A sound skin makes you feel good and look good. Healthy skin is often an indicator of our holistic wellness. Skin is an active and largest organ in our body. Nurses perform all procedures but they allocate less time to the important organ. Patient confined to bed and wheel chair has limited mobility and likely to develop pressure sores. A National survey conducted by the disease control and prevention in 2004 reported that 1,59,000(11%) nursing homes residents had pressure ulcer. They showed the prevalence of pressure ulcer in the hospital care setting to be between 14% -28%. This study was intended to evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge on use of water low scale in prolonged bedridden patients among staff nurses in selected hospital and to determine the association between pretest and posttest knowledge with the selected demographic variables. Methods: A pre-experimental design was used with the evaluative approach, to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding use of water low scale in prolonged bedridden patients among staff nurses, data was collected from 60 staff nurses who were selected using purposive sampling technique at selected hospital in bangalore. Results: The present study reveals that experimental group obtained overall mean knowledge score 50.1% with standard deviation 9.7 in the pretest and in posttest overall mean knowledge score was 82.9% with standard deviation 8.0. The overall improvement knowledge mean percentage 32.7 with ‘t’ value 26.38, p-0.05 which is highly significant at t (0.05,59 df) =1.96. Hence the structured teaching programme is instructionally effectively, appropriate & feasible. Conclusion: This study enhances to gain the knowledge regarding use of waterlow scale in prolonged bedridden patients among staff nurses in selected hospital at Bangalore. Keywords: Evaluate, Effectiveness, structured Teaching Programme, knowledge, water low scale, prolonged bedridden patients, pressure sore, staff nurses.

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