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A Pre-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude of Mothers Regarding Prevention of Home Accidents in Selected Rural Areas of Ludhiana Punjab.

Chamndeep Kaur


Background of the study: The present study was conducted to Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On Knowledge And Attitude Of Mothers Regarding Prevention Of Home Accidents In Selected Rural Areas Of Ludhiana Punjab. The objectives of the study were to assess the pre and post test knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents, to assess the pre and post test attitude of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents, to compare the pretest- posttest knowledge and attitude of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents, to find out the relationship between knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents with selected variables i.e. age (in years), educational status, occupational status, type of family, monthly family income, Source of information, age of youngest child and number of children, to find out the relationship between attitude of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents with selected variables i.e. age (in years), educational status, occupational status, type of family, monthly family income, Source of information, age of youngest child and number of children. The conceptual framework of the study was based on general systems theory by Ludwing Von Bertalanffy (1968). A quantitative/experimental approach was adopted for the study convenient sampling technique was used and 60 mothers were selected in experimental group. A socio-demographic Performa was used to obtain background information, self structured questionnaire and attitude scale were used to assess the knowledge & attitude of prevention of home accidents among mothers. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. In descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation were used. While in inferential statistics,„t‟ test and ANOVA were used. Results: (1) In pre-test of maximum 60% (36) mothers had good level of knowledge whereas minimum 6.67% (4) mothers had excellent knowledge regarding prevention of home accidents. In post-test maximum 61.67% (37) mothers had good level of knowledge whereas minimum 13.33% (08) mothers had average knowledge<>regarding prevention of home accidents. There was overall increase in post-test knowledge of mothers regarding home accidents. (2) In pre-test maximum mean percentage score 50.00% (38.50), 50.00% (35.00) of mothers found in introduction, incidence & prevalence and minimum pre-test mean percentage score 07.14% (30.57) in prevention and management. The maximum post-test mean percentage score 50.00% (41.50), 50.00% (40.50) of mothers were found in incidence& prevalence, introduction, whereas minimum 08.20% (37.93) post-test mean percentage score found in prevention and management of home accidents. (3) In pre-test maximum 66.66% (40) mothers had positive attitude followed by minimum 33.33% (20) mothers had negative attitude respectively, whereas in post-test maximum 100% (60) mothers had positive attitude. In post-test maximum mothers had positive attitude regarding prevention of home accidents. (4) Pre-test and post-test mean knowledge score were 18.63 & 21.46 respectively whereas pre-test and post-test mean attitude scores were 77.60 & 84.75 respectively. The difference (3.678), (8.135) between pre-test and post-test knowledge and practices score of experimental group were found highly significant at p≤0.01 level. The difference (57.93, 111.03) with in pre-test and post-test of found highly significant at p≤0.01 & p≤0.001. Hence it is inferred that the H1: There will be significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents at p≤0.05 and There will be significant difference between pre-test and post-test attitude scores of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents at p≤0.05 is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected. Hypothesis: (1). H1: There will be significant difference p≤0.05 between pre-test and post-test knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents. H0: There will not be significant difference p≤0.05 between pre-test and post-test knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents. (2) H1: There will be significant difference p≤0.05 between pre-test and pos- test attitude scores of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents. H0: There will be significant difference p≤0.05 between pre-test and post-test attitude scores of mothers regarding prevention of home accidents. Recommendations: Based on the experience gained during study and from the results of study, these recommendations were made. A similar study can be conducted on large sample to validate and generalize the findings. Similar study can be conducted in different community settings as well as in outdoor departments of PHC & CHCs etc. A comparative study can be conducted to assess the prevention of home accidents among mothers in rural area and urban area. An exploratory study can be conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude among mothers regarding prevention of home accidents. A self instructional module can be developed based on learning needs of the mothers. An experimental study can be conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on prevention of home accidents. A descriptive study can be conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude of woman regarding prevention of home accidents.

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