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Couvade Syndrome

Jayasri  J.


Couvade syndrome is in which a partner experiences some of the pregnancy symptoms and behavior as an expectant mother and experience pregnancy-related symptoms. It is common in men who are having their first child. It is due emergence of ambivalence and the resurgence of oedipal conflicts due to partner’s pregnancy, increase of prolactin and estrogen. The symptoms begin in the first trimester of pregnancy, before temporarily disappearing in the second and then re-appearing in the final trimester. Pregnancy-related physical and psychological symptoms include abdominal pain and bloating, back pain, pseudocyesis, lethargy, morning sickness, toothache, food cravings and aversions. Treatment for couvade syndrome includes preparation for parenthood and takes steps to manage stress

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Couvade Syndrome|definition of Couvade Syndrome by MedicalCouvade Syndrome.

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