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A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Relaxation Therapy to Reduce Anxiety Level among Epilepsy Patients in Selected Hospital, Erode

AJIN. R.S., Nirosha Anbalagan


The present study was undertaken to evaluating the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding relaxation therapy to reduce anxiety level among epilepsy patient in Senthil Neuro Specialty Hospital, Erode. The Aim of the study is to assess the anxiety level of epilepsy patients before the administration of structured teaching program. To assess the knowledge of epilepsy patients on relaxation therapy before administration of structured teaching program. To teach structured teaching program on relaxation therapy to reduce the anxiety level of epilepsy patients. To assess the knowledge of epilepsy patients on relaxation therapy and anxiety level after administering structured teaching program. To compare the pretest and post-test score of epilepsy patients on relaxation therapy. To compare the pretest and post-test anxiety level of epilepsy patients. To determine the relationship between the pre-test knowledge score with socio-demographic variables such as age, sex, religion, marital status, education, occupation, family income, type of family, place of residence. Research approach: Quantitative research approach was used. Research design: The research design selected for the present study was one group pretest posttest design. Setting of the study: present study was conducted in Senthil Neuro Specialty Hospital at Erode district. Sample size: The sample size of the study was comprised of 30 epilepsy patients in the Senthil Neuro Specialty hospital attending the outpatient department who met the inclusive criteria. Sampling Method: convenient sampling technique. Research Tool and Research Technique: The instrument consists of semi-structured questionnaire schedule with three sections A, B and C. Section A consists of 11 items seeking information about demographic details. Section B: Modified Likert’s scale of 20 items to assess the level of anxiety of epilepsy patients. Section C Consists of 37 items dealing with knowledge on epilepsy, anxiety, relaxation therapy for epilepsy patients. Result: The paired ‘t’ test analysis of the pre-test and post-test knowledge (t=5.29) (p=0.005) was highly significant. The result evidently support the effectiveness structured teaching programme in promoting the knowledge on relaxation therapy among epilepsy patients.

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