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Nursing Critical Care: Competency Based Training

Nisha Joshi


In this era of fast developing industries, requirement of skilled professional has also gone up.
Many new hospitals in private health sector are developing; always there is shortage of
doctors and trained nurses. Nursing colleges are producing nurses; however they are still
less in number and most of them are not well versed with critical or emergency care due to
deficiency of such teaching and training programs across most of India. Main reason of such
deficiency is lack of competency based training in the system and shortage of well trained
teachers. Nurses are doing their best in patient care but due to lack of special training
programme regarding critical care/BLS and ACLS (Advanced cardiac life support)/ATLS
(Advanced trauma life support) they cannot provide timely, safe, effective and efficient

patient-centered care. Critically ill and injured persons receive care from experts and multi-
professional teams; they use knowledge, technology and compassion to provide patient-
centered care. It is a very important fact that nurses play a very important role in patient

care after doctor has seen the patient and directed the treatment, in routine cares. If a patient
becomes serious at any time and at that time emergency doctor is busy or unable to attend
the case immediately, a trained nurse can take the necessary basic measures to rescue the
patient in case of arrest, till further help could arrive. This is possible only when the nursing
staff is trained and competent. This is where we are deficient to consideration extent in our
country. Saving of life in such emergency is the most noble and required task. This is possible
only through special competency based training programs in all nursing colleges.
Competency based training is a style of education that focuses on what we can achieve in the
workplace after completing a course. These types of training programs/workshops have well
established in foreign countries many years earlier. It is high time for us to implement such
programs across the country this will serve to save lives of many patients who land up in
arrest in emergency room (ER) or intensive care unit (ICU) and each minute is counted.
Competencies are a method for describing the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior
expected of specialists in terms of what they are able to do. The National Organization of
Nurse Practitioner Faculties has developed a national program of competencies that includes
diagnostic algorithms and treatment based on protocols, and many of the competencies are
centered on management of acutely ill or physiologically unstable patients. So, national

regulatory bodies for nurses have to start or modify their training programs from syllabus-
based to competency based in the workplace.

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