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Anjaly Sunny


Study was intended to assess the effectiveness of breathing exercises on lung capacity among experimental group. A total of 60 patients with respiratory disorder (30 each in experimental and control group) were selected. The approach used in this study was experimental approach and the design was quasi experimental with non-equivalent Pre-Test Post-Test Control Group Design. Pretest was done for 60 samples on the second day of admission by using spirometer. Breathing exercises (purse lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing and coughing exercise) were taught and advised to do for 15minutes (5minutes for each, 4 times a day (9am, 12noon, 3pm, 7pm) for a period of five days in the experimental group and post test was done on 5th day of pre test for both groups followed by which breathing exercises were taught to the control group also. Pre-test lung capacity score showed that 56.66% in control and 36.75% in experimental group were not able to raise even one ball. Mean lung capacity score among the experimental group and control group before the intervention was 0.63 and 0.43 respectively. After intervention, among the experimental group lung capacity improved to 2.57 and it was statistically significant [t=29, p=0.000(p<.05)]. Mean lung capacity score among the control group also increased, and it was only 0.96 because of the extraneous variable. From the results it was interpreted that breathing exercises helped to increase the lung capacity among patients with respiratory disorders. Study concluded that breathing exercises was effective in achieving the desired objective.

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