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A Comparative Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge Regarding Child Sexual Abuse among the Rural and Urban Mothers in Selected Area of Haryana

Ashutosh Kunwar, Meenakshi Devi, Kiran Kumari, Vishalini ., Kajal ., Kumari Shailza, Jyoti ., Kusum Lata, Lalita ., Lalita Kumari


Child is human being between the stages of birth and puberty. Child may also describe a relationship with parents such as sons and daughters of any age. There are many social issues that affect children, such as childhood education child development. It might be raised by parents and society. Child sexual abuse is a global concern and have been an issue. Statistic shows that child sexual abuse cases keep on increasing in present year. Parents should be aware about the child sexual abuse and its preventions.
The aim of the present study to assess the level of knowledge regarding child sexual abuse among rural and urban mothers in selected area of Haryana. A quantitative research approach with descriptive research design was used to assess the knowledge of rural and urban mothers regarding child sexual abuse. Total 100 samples were selected, 50 sample from rural area and 50 samples from urban area by using convenient sampling technique. Self structured knowledge questionnaire was developed for the data collection.
Study result showed that out of 100 sample, 50 from rural and 50 from urban, 62% of mothers from rural area were in the age group of 29 to 38 years and more than half (52%) of mothers urban area were in the age group of 19 to 28 years. Majority (94%) of mothers both from rural and urban area were belonging to Hindu religion. 24% of mothers from rural area and more than half (56%) of mothers from urban area were graduates.
Majority (80%) of mothers from rural area and 60% of mothers from urban area were belonging to joint family. Majority (74%) of mothers both from rural and urban area were house makers. Majority (74%) of fathers from rural area were self employed and more than half (58%) of fathers from urban area has private job. 38% monthly income of family from rural area and 34% monthly income of family from urban area were in between Rs 10000 to 15000.
Majority (96%) of rural and majority (92%) of urban mothers has pervious knowledge regarding child sexual abuse. According to knowledge score of out of 100 sample both from rural and urban area. From rural area 36% having fair knowledge and 64% having good knowledge, from urban area 30% having fair knowledge and 70% having good knowledge. The mean and standard deviation of the knowledge score for rural area is 15.08 ±2.10, and 15.4±1.73 for urban area. Mode is 15.0 for both rural and urban area and median for rural area is 16.0 and 15.0 for urban area and the range is 9.0 for both rural and urban area.
According to chi square test for association of knowledge scores among rural and urban mothers with selected demographic variables. The data revealed that there is significant association between the knowledge and demographic variables.

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