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Nurse Led Interventions on Serum Iron and Vitamin D3 Among Rural Women With Risk of Osteoporosis, Puducherry

Kripa Angeline A, Dr. Renuka K., V. Mano Priya, M. Anbhu, E. Finny Moses


Background: Osteoporosis is, a broadminded systemic skeletal sickness categorized by low bone mass and micro-architectural worsening of bone tissue, with a resulting growth in bone breakability and weakness to fracture. Deficiencies in both vitamin D and iron are recognized as two major public health concerns in the globe. Vitamin D and iron deficiency has a bearing not only on skeletal but also on extra skeletal diseases. Iron metabolism is related to bone metabolism. Owing to its multifarious implications on health, the epidemic of vitamin D and iron deficiency in India is likely to significantly contribute to the enormous burden on the healthcare system of India. The association between iron and bone health arises from clinical observations in iron excess patients who ached bone loss. Osteoporosis can be analyzed clinically serum iron and vitamin D3. Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that is a major threat for millions of individuals. The consequence of the disease often results in fracture of the bone leading to pain, disability and even death. Unfortunately, the rate of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures are estimated to rise every year. Osteoporosis is projected to mark 200 million women internationally approximately one-tenth of women matured to one-fifth of women aged 70, two fifth of women aged 80 and two-thirds of women aged 90. A cure for osteoporosis does not exist, however, it is a preventable and treatable condition. Aim: The aim of the current study was to assess the effect of the nurse directed interventions on serum iron and vitamin D3 in prevention and management of osteoporosis among women residing in selected rural areas of Puducherry”. Materials and Methods: Quantitative research approach was used for this study. Preexperimental – one group pretest posttest design was used for this study. Total 30 samples were selected using purposive random sampling technique. The data pertaining to osteoporosis were assessed through laboratory values of serum iron and vitamin D3. Results: The study results reveal that the mean pretest score of serum iron and vitamin D3 are 74.82, 14.77 and mean post test score are 93.50, 25.11. The difference in the parameters before and after the nurse directed intervention was derived using paired t test. The findings showed that there is significant increase in the post test of serum iron and vitamin D3 (t value 9.690 and 7.439), after the provision of nurse directed intervention which is significant at p<0.0001and p<0.0016. Conclusion: The study concludes that early detection and timely treatment of osteoporosis can substantially decrease the risk of osteoporosis in future.

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