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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge of Mothers Regarding Care of Under-five Children with β-Thalassemia Major in Prathima Hospital, at Karimnagar, Telangana

Mrs. Meera T


Background Pre-experimental study design was under taken to find out effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of mothers regarding care of under five children with β- thalassemia major in Prathima hospital, at Karimnagar, Telangana.


 assess the level of knowledge of mothers regarding care of under five children with β - thalassemia major before and after structured teaching programme.

 determine the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of mothers regarding care of under five children with β-thalassemia major in Prathima hospital, at Karimnagar, Telangana.

 Find out the association between post test knowledge of mothers regarding care of under five children with β-thalassemia major with their selected demographic variables.

Material and methods The population of the study was mothers of under five children at Prathima hospital, Karimnagar. The sample size was 30, selected by simple random sampling technique. A questionnaire and structured teaching programme was prepared to assess the knowledge of mothers of under five children regarding care of β-thalassemia major before and after the structured teaching programme through pre test and post test respectively.


In the post test 70% of mothers of under five children had average knowledge and 30% of mothers of under five children had above average knowledge and none of the mothers of under five children had below average knowledge. Comparative analysis shown that the mean knowledge score during the pre test was 6.2 and post test was 19.26. This difference of knowledge score was found to be statistically significant.


The lengthy duration of illness after the entire quality of life  alter the functional capacity of patient This indicates there is a need to educate the mothers regarding β thalassemia major.

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