A study to assess the conflict management style among the nursing students in Madha College of Nursing, Chennai.

Ariya Lakshmi, H. Mahalakshmi


A conflict rises when individuals have diverse thoughts, thought procedures, attitudes, benefits, requirements and they find it problematic to regulate with each other Causes of conflict among the students are scarcity of resources such as finance, equipment, facilities, etc different attitudes, values or perceptions, disagreements about needs, goals, priorities and interests, poor communication, inadequate organizational structure, lack of teamwork and lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities. The most common cause of conflict among student nurses are miscommunication between people with regard to their needs, ideas, beliefs, goals, or values.
The study was conducted by adopting a descriptive research design. The sample size was 30 students from B.Sc(N) IV year and P.B.B.Sc(N) I year who fulfilled the inclusive criteria. They were selected by convenient sampling technique. The conflict management style among students was assessed by using the opinion survey. The tool was constructed based on the review of literature and experts suggestions.
Major findings of the study
The conflict management style among students indicated that 25(83.33%) students having approach style,2(6.66%) students having avoidance style and 3(10%) students having both approach and avoidance style of conflict management. There was no significant association between the selected variables and conflict management style at p<0.05

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37628/ijchn.v1i1.670


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