A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge Regarding Temporary Family Planning Methods among Male in a Selected Community in Kanyakumari District



The study was conducted to access the knowledge regarding temporary family planning methods among male in Kanyakumari district. Objectives of the study
• To assess the knowledge regarding temporary family planning methods of male.
• To find the association between knowledge and demographic variables. Such as age, education, occupation, wife’s education and religion.
Research design: Descriptive research design was selected for this study. Setting:-The study was conducted at community area Kandanvilai. Population: The eligible couple in community area, Kandanvilai. Sample size:-Sample size of 30 eligible couple was selected. Sample technique: Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to select subjects based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Description of the tool: The tool contains of two parts.
Part 1: In this section the information of demographic variables such as Age, Marital status, Occupation, Education, Wife’s occupation, Wife’s education, Religion. Part 2: In this part the questionnaires were used to find out the knowledge score regarding temporary family planning methods. Totally there was 20 questions for correct answer score 1 was given, for wrong answer 0 was given. The subjects were classified into three groups based on knowledge score. Intermediate knowledge: below 50% Medium: 50%–75% Average: 76%–100%.
Major finding of the study are as follows:
• The overall level of all variables revealed that 70% of the sample had intermediate knowledge and 30% of the sample had average level of knowledge.
• The study revealed that there was a significant association, wife’s education, wife’s occupation, religion of male with level of knowledge.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37628/ijchn.v2i1.995


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