A Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice regarding First Aid among the Primary School Teachers in Selected Urban and Rural Areas (Raipur and Abhanpur)

Anuprabha Chowdhry


‘First Aid’ is the first treatment or assistance given to an injured person (casualty) for sudden illness or any injury before the arrival of qualified medical care by using materials and facilities available at that time. Many times, death results because of delay in reaching the casualty to appropriate medical care, and/or lack of knowledge concerning treatment. On the contrary, if help is provided to casualty as soon as possible following the accident or injury, a life could be saved. In this study a non-experimental comparative design was adopted; convenient sampling technique was used to select 80 sample based on certain predetermined criteria. The urban and rural primary school teacher’s knowledge and practice was assessed by using structured questionnaire. The reliability of the tool was determined by using split half method. The present study attempted to compare the school teachers on First Aid and it revealed that the knowledge score was t=10.98 and p=0.001*** and the practice score was t=8.66 and p=0.001*** and hence the objective to assess the knowledge and practice of primary school teachers regarding First Aid. Regarding the hypothesis H1, their significant relationship between knowledge and practice score which was proved from the very fact the substantial positive correlation exists (r=0.65 p=0.01) between urban teachers and a moderate positive correlation (r=0.49 p=0.01) among rural teachers.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37628/ijchn.v2i1.996


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