A Study to Assess the Knowledge on Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Among Mothers of Under Five Children in a Selected Hospital, Chennai

Ariya Lakshmi


Acute respiratory infections are classified as upper respiratory tract infections or lower respiratory tract infections. The upper respiratory tract consists of the airways from the nostrils to the vocal cords in the larynx, including the Para nasal sinuses and the middle ear. The lower respiratory area shelters the prolongation of the airways from the trachea and bronchi to the bronchioles and the alveoli. Acute respiratory tract infections are not confined to the respiratory tract and have systemic effects because of possible extension of infection or microbial toxins, inflammation, and reduced lung function. The study was conducted by adopting a descriptive research design. The sample size was 30 mothers of under five children who fulfilled the inclusive criteria. They were selected by convenient sampling technique. The knowledge of the mothers was assessed by using the self-administered tool. The tool was constructed based on the review of literature and experts’ suggestions. Major findings of the study: The level of knowledge of mothers regarding management of acute respiratory tract infection indicates that 9(30%) mothers having adequate knowledge and 21(70%) mothers having moderate knowledge. There was a significant association between age of mother, literacy level of mother, occupation, family income and number of children in the family with their level of knowledge regarding the management of acute respiratory tract infection at p<0.05.

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