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A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge on Puberty Changes during Adolescence among the Adolescent Girls Studying in Selected Schools of District Ludhiana, Punjab

Manjot Kaur


Background: Adolescent girls need to have adequate knowledge about puberty and its effects, marriage and conception which would equip them for their multiple roles as housewives, mothers of the new society.
Purpose: The purpose of study was to assess the level of knowledge regarding puberty changes among adolescent girls.
Material and Method: A descriptive research approach was used for this study 100 adolescent girls were selected by Purposive sampling technique. Data was collected in the month of May, 2017 through self – structured questionnaire tool after taking formal written permission from Principals of selected schools and also informed consent from selected adolescent girls was taken. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Findings: The result of study indicates that majority 82% of adolescent girls had average level of knowledge regarding puberty changes followed by 13 % of adolescent girls had good knowledge and at least 5% of adolescent girls had below average level of knowledge regarding puberty changes.
Interpretation and Conclusion: The finding of the study concluded that an educational interventions are need to provide accurate and authentic knowledge about reproductive health, related crucial issues is needed to enable them to make related to decision of life and also process of puberty that unfolds for everyone and what change to expect.

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