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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge and practice regarding life style modification to prevent hypertension among middle age adults

Pooja Devi, Poonam Devi


ABSTRACT: A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding life style modification to prevent hypertension among middle age adults in selected rural area at district Hisar (Haryana) was conducted with the objectives to assess the pre-test knowledge score and practices score regarding life style modification to prevent  hypertension among middle age adults and to evaluate the  structured teaching programme regarding life style modification to prevent hypertension among middle age adults. The conceptual framework was based on Context ,Input ,Process and Product (CIPP) Model on evaluation developed by Daniel Stufflebeam (1971).An evaluation research approach and pre-experimental one group pretest posttest research design was adopted for the study .sample size was 60 subjects selected by convenient Sampling technique .Data was collected through checklist & structured interview knowledge questionnaire  to assess the knowledge and practice regarding life style modification to prevent hypertension among middle age adults. Major finding of the study were the most common found depicts the comparison of the mean knowledge scores between the pre and posttest on knowledge regarding life style modification to prevent hypertension. The area wise distribution of the knowledge score of middle age adults reveals that the posttest means with SD (24.2 ± 2.552) was higher than pretest mean with SD (15.98 ±3.610)   with the mean difference of 8.233. ‘t’ value was computed to find the level of significance between the mean and it was observed highly significant (‘t’ = 28.730) at p <0.05 level. the area wise distribution of practice score overall posttest mean with SD (12.45 ±1.556)   was higher than pretest mean with SD (4.58±1.700) with the mean difference of 7.867. ‘t’ value was computed to find the level of significance between the mean and it was observed highly significant (‘t’= 25.499) at p<0.05.the study also show the area wise effectiveness of structured teaching programme on pre knowledge level and post level knowledge score. same as area wise effectiveness of practice score pre and post practice. The result of study shows that a structured teaching programme help in increase the knowledge and improve the practice regarding life style modification to prevent hypertension among middle age adults. Recommendation were that a similar study can be conducted on large scale from various areas and experimental study can be conducted with a control group.

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