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The effectiveness of Structured teaching on Awareness regarding organ donation among staff nurses

Veeralakshmi A., Rameshkumari Singh


Background of the study: -Lack of awareness regarding organ donation and transplantation is one of the serious problems in India not only among the common people but for the people related to health care also. The knowledge of nurses about different aspects of donation process is essentialbecause they can improve public awareness about organ donation and hence contributingto improved donation process.The current organ donation rate in India is 0.5% per 10 lakh people compared toover 30 donors per 10 lakh in some western countries.Approximately 5 lakh peopleacross the nation die each year.1 There is a wide gap between the number of transplantsawaited and the organ available.Statement of the Problem:- A pre experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness ofplanned teaching about knowledge regarding organ donation among staff nurses.Objectives of the study were1. To assess the existing level of awareness of staff nurses about organ donation.2. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching about organ donation among staffnurses working in selected hospital.3. To associate the awareness of staff nurses about organ donation with selecteddemographic variables.

Research Methodology:- With the evaluative approach the researcher conducted the study with preexperimental one group pre-test post-test design in selected area. Judgmental Sampling Technique which is one of the non-probability sampling techniques was used to select the sample. The tool was structured knowledge questionnaire validated byexperts was used to assess the level of awareness of subjects regarding organ donation.  After acquiring the necessary consent the mainstudy was conducted among 60 subjects of selected hospital.Results of the Study:- Comparison of the pre-test mean score on awareness is 22.01 with SD of 5.32 and post-test mean score on awareness is 32.0 with SD of 2.53 with paired t-value was 6.4 (df = 59) which was significant with p< 0.05 level. Conclusion:- The investigator concludes that awareness regarding  organ donation has been improved by structured teaching programme among staff nurses.

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