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A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of An Educational Session on Knowledge Regarding Braden Scale as A Standard Tool to Assess the Risk of Pressure Sore in Bedridden Patient Among Nursing Students

Sagaya Arockia Mary A., Magdeline ., Anasuya ., Princy ., Rani ., Seona .


Pressure sores represent a troublesome and frequently incapacitating condition that impacts individuals who are bedridden, frail, weakened, and malnourished. The occurrence of pressure sores ranges from 0.4% to 38.0% in large hospitals, 2.2% to 23.9% in individuals receiving long-term care, and 0% to 17% in home care settings. In the Indian context, the occurrence of pressure sores among hospitalized patients has been documented at 4.94%. The Braden Scale is among the extensively researched risk assessment tools employed to identify the likelihood of developing a pressure sore. The health care professional especially nursing professional must have knowledge regarding the use of Braden scale for assessing risk of developing pressure sore to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational session on knowledge regarding Braden scale as a standard tool to assess the risk of pressure sore in bedridden patient among nursing students Quantitative quasi experimental research design was used. 20 students from Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery and 20 students from Bachelor of Science in Nursing were selected using probability-simple random sampling technique. Data was gathered using a Demographic Proforma and a Structured Knowledge Questionnaire. The study result revealed that 37.5% nursing students had poor knowledge and 62.5%) had average knowledge on Braden scale in pre-test whereas only 10% nursing students had poor knowledge and 90% had average knowledge on Braden scale in the post-test. The t value 5.330 at P<0.001 level that was more than table value p=3.551 indicated that there was enhancement of knowledge in post test. The study concluded that the educational session on Braden scale improved the knowledge in nursing students. Study findings emphasised the need for education for improvement of knowledge to maintain a safe practice regarding use of Braden scale

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