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Covid-19–A Real Killer or Created Hullabaloo

Rahul Sethi, Hasmikn Zakharya, G.F. Avetisyan


In Current scenario, it seems as the medical science just knows only the NOVEL CORONA VIRUS (nCOv) as the only existing disease or infection on this planet and no other pathology exists. nCoV is a newly discovered strain that has not been known in humans to cause any infection in the past. In last 20 years we have seen the large-scale disease outbreaks which were caused by the zoonotic coronaviruses. Numerous coronaviruses go around in animals that have not yet infected humans at present but they will not affect humans in future is not guaranteed. Basically, The Coronaviruses (CoV) are a big group of viruses that cause diseases such as the common cold to life threatening conditions such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV), Swine Acute Diarrhoea Syndrome (SADS).These viruses have been known culprits for tolling lives of many in form of SARS in 2003, MERS in 2012, SADS in 2017 and nCoV in December 2019 originating from Wuhan City of ROC to round the globe. Is the new edition in the Coronavirus family causing disease in humans is really that dangerous which has become talk of the World? The facts and information related to comparison between deaths/mortality rates of the diseases caused by different coronaviruses in human beings has a lot different story to tell in relation to the new nCoV. The hype seems to be artificially created and panic inseminated in population is not acceptable rather proper education needs to be inculcated among the population to prevent spread of the disease.


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