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Effectiveness of Bibliotherapy on Coping Skills Among B.Sc. (Nursing) 1st Year Students at Thasiah College of Nursing, Marthandam at Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India

Mrs. S. Bens Jenifer


Coping worth to put in one’s peculiar cognizant effort to resolve personal and interpersonal delinquent in order to diminish or tolerate stress. In this study, it refers to capability for doing a thing in an expected manner. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of bibliotherapy on coping skills among B.Sc. (N) 1st year students. Bibliotherapy is the therapeutic use of books which help to solve personal problem literature which include self-help books, poetry, personal stories, etc. The researchers introduced themselves and permission was obtained from the sample by explaining the purpose of the study. 30 Nursing students who satisfied the inclusive and exclusive criteria were selected by purposive sampling techniques. The demographic data were collected for the first five minutes and then the researchers gave the cope inventory instrument directly into the students and asked them to fill it. They put tick mark against the options that they felt as right. They were well cooperative and completed within few minutes. The data collection was performed on. The results showed that 16.66% of students had low coping skills, 23.33% of students had moderate coping skills and 60% of students had high coping skills. The study findings revealed that there is a relationship between coping skill and their selected demographic variables. By assessing the coping skills of 1st year B.Sc. (N) students, it was noted that 16.66% were having inadequate coping skills, and 23.33% were having moderate coping skills, and 60% were having adequate coping skills after providing bibliotherapy

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