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Helfer’s Skin Tap Technique for IM Injection Pain

Smriti Arora


Various nonpharmacologic interventions that can be used to reduce pain include, meditation, thermal measures, play activities, relaxation techniques, imagery, massage, positioning, and music. Nurses play a crucial role in helping out patients with nonpharmacologic interventions for procedural pain by analyzing the technique best suitable for the patient, getting to know the patient’s willingness and determination, teaching them the appropriate way for using their options, supporting and reinforcing the correct use before, during, and after the procedure, along with evaluating and recording the effectiveness of the activity. Along with this, other interventions, that can be specifically used for neonates include the facilitated tucking, administration of oral sucrose, swaddling, skin-to-skin contact, nonnutritive sucking, breastfeeding, and reduction of external stimuli.

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