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Assessing the prevalence of exclusive breast feeding and its associated factors among mothers attending outpatient departments of selected hospital, Ernakulam.

Shilpa Pillai


Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) has important benefits for both, the mother and child. The rate of growth of the infants during the first six months of life is greater and faster than any other period of life. Keeping this in mind, the baby should be nursed adequately which allows easy digestion and absorption. Therefore, the present study assessed the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding and its associated factors among mothers attending paediatric and immunization departments. The objectives of the study were to assess the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among mothers, find the associated factors of exclusive breastfeeding, find the association between prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding with selected sample characteristics and develop a guideline regarding exclusive breastfeeding for mothers using non-experimental survey design. The data was collected from 200 mothers using non probability convenience sampling technique in paediatric and immunization outpatient departments of Lourdes Hospital, Ernakulam. Sample characteristics and Breastfeeding Assessment Tool were the tools used in the study. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study revealed that prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was 55%. The supporting factors in giving exclusive breastfeeding were information received from health personnel (68%), and media (3%), own determination (20%), family support (7%), and preterm baby (2%). Among the 45% mothers who have not exclusively breastfed their babies, 34% could not give exclusive breastfeeding due to perception of insufficient breast milk, 21% had to go to work, baby’s hunger even after breastfeeding in 19%, illness of the baby in 8%, maternal illness in 5% and breast problems in 2%. Other factors include, concern of poor weight gain in baby in 5%, pressure from family in 3%, baby’s refusal to breastfeed in 2% and 1% due to lack of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. There was a significant association between prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding and employment status of mother (ϰ² = 10.829, p = 0.0 29), educational status of husband (ϰ² = 10.783, p = 0.013) and physical illness of mother (ϰ² = 4.533, p = 0.033). The study concludes that prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding of babies is still low and needs the health system’s focus and attention.

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