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A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding weaning among mothers of children in community area at Goindwal Sahib, District Tarn Taran, Punjab.

Rachna Gill


Nutrition is a critical part of health and development.  The process of multiplication of cells and their enlargement in size requires an adequate supply of energy, amino acids ,water, lipids & vitamins with food.  Growth is considered to be on essential feature of life of child. The growth process starts from the time when the mother conceive until the child become fully mature. So the nutrition plays an important or major role during infancy for proper growth & development of child as it (food) supplies the energy to child. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge regarding Weaning among Mothers of children. A descriptive study design was used for the study. The purposive sampling technique was used to select 50 mothers in community area .Data was collected using selfstructured tool.The findings of present study showed that 28(56%) of mothers had good knowledge and 22 (44%) of them had average knowledge score

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