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How to Attain Normalcy in Childbirth?

Usha Ukande


Procreation is nature’s most basic way of creating and sustaining the biosphere. Childbirth, as in animals, is a normal process in human beings too. Too much medicalization of this normal process has forced social and health professionals to rethink as to where things have gone beyond a reasonable limit and what can be done to bring normalcy to the nature’s beautiful event called childbirth. Cannot we help a pregnant woman to enjoy her pregnancy and childbirth? The answer is, yes, we can do this by using “Midwifery model of care.” Nurses and midwives can encourage and allow women to experience the un-medicated, blissful life experience of pregnancy, and childbirth. Through this model, pregnant women are prepared physically, psychologically, emotionally, socially as well as spiritually for motherhood. Using holistic process, midwife empowers the mother to take decision about her health promotional activities during pregnancy. Use of non-pharmaceutical methods of pain
relief such as acupressure through SP6 point, massage, sitting on birthing ball, further help the woman to go through the first stage of labor smoothly with lot of ease. WHO recommends delivering low risk women by skilled midwives that is cost effective and desirable. This is
possible by identifying low-risk pregnancies and, creating alongside normal birthing units adjoining obstetrical units in hospitals run by midwives.

Keywords: low risk pregnancy, midwifery model of care, normal childbirth, WHO

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Safe Motherhood, Care in Normal Birth: A Practical Guide. WHO/FRH/MSM/96.24.

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