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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Tobacco Consumption Hazards among Middle Aged Population

Seema ., Poonam Devi


It is simple to try to halt a human from ever using tobacco than to stop them, once they have begun. In addition to the traditional burden of communicable diseases, developing countries today are faced with a huge increase in non-communicable diseases, mental illness and violence and injuries. The research approach used for this study was evaluative approach and pre-experimental (one group pre and post- test) design. The independent variable was STP, and the dependent variable was knowledge of middle- aged population regarding tobacco consumption hazards. The setting of the study was in rural areas at Hisar, and convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample. The sample size was 60 middle-aged population. The tool used for this study consisted of two parts. Part-A (demographic data); and Part-B, structure interview schedule consists of questions in various aspects such as general information of tobacco, its types, its hazards and its prevention (30 questions). The data was analyzed and interpreted in terms of objectives formulated; descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the data analysis. Effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding tobacco consumption hazards among middle-aged population was pre-test 38.67% and post-test 74.67%. The difference was 35.94%. The findings of the study reveal that STP increased the knowledge of middle-aged population regarding tobacco consumption hazards. This result indicatesthat age, education and type of occupation influence the knowledge level of middle-aged population for knowledge regarding tobacco consumption hazards. Chi-square test used to associate the level of knowledge and selected demographic variables. The Chi- square value shows that there is significant association between the score level; and demographic variables of study revealed the mean±SD of pre-test knowledge 11.6±2.787 and post-test knowledge 22.38±2.694, respectively.

Keywords: Tobacco, tobacco consumption hazards, middle-aged population INTRODUCTION

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