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A study to assess the effectiveness of standard teaching program on prevention and control of COVID 19 among co-workers of Kailash Institute of Health and Medical Science College

Seema ., Priyanka Sharma


Hand Hygiene is a cardinal step for keeping hands clean, one take to avoid getting sick. A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of STP on prevention and control of Covid 19 among co-workers in selected college of Panchkula. The objective was to assess existing level of knowledge, associate pre-test on prevention and control of Covid 19 and to compare pre-test and post-test. A pre-experimental research design was chosen for this study. By using probability sampling technique, a total of 50 samples were included for study. The test was conducted by structured knowledge questionnaire. The data were recorded. The data analysis was done. The result revealed that there is relatively good knowledge regarding prevention and control of Covid 19 among co-workers. The Chi-square value shows that there is significance association between the score level and demographic variables of study revealed that Mean±S.D of pretest knowledge 10.80±2.755 and posttest knowledge 14.06±2.780 respectively.


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