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Prevention of 'falls' Among Geriatric Population

preeti thakur


Falls in geriatric population are a major community health issue. They are the
most frequent type of accidents in people aged 65 and older, and are the
major cause of injury-related hospitalization in this age group. Injuries caused
by falls are connected with dysfunction, loss of autonomy and increased
mortality.Falls are one of the most common problems in the elderly all over
the world. A fall is defined as an act which results in a individual coming to
rest unintentionally on the ground or floor. Currently, there is no numerical
criterion that classifies people as “elderly.” However, the United Nations has
determined that the age of 60+ should be used to refer to people as being
“elderly. This study tries to explain the concept like Fall among geriatric
population and its prevention.Hence our focus should be on prevention
oriented interventions, community fall reduction strategies and designing fall
free environment within the limitations of resources available.

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