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Assess Knowledge Regarding Exclusive Breast Feeding among Antenatal Mothers

shilpa pillai


Breast feeding is the most effective way to provide baby with a caring environment and complete nutrition. It meets the nutritional as well as emotional needs of the baby. It has benefits for both mother and the baby. Therefore, the present study assessed the the knowledge regarding exclusive breast feeding among antenatal mothers attending obstetrics and gynecological department. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding exclusive breast feeding among antenatal mothers, to find the association between knowledge regarding exclusive breast feeding with selected sample characteristics and to conduct a structured teaching programme regarding exclusive breast feeding using descriptive survey design. The data were collected from 36 antenatal mothers using nonprobability convenient sampling technique in obstetrics and gynecological department in Lourdes Hospital, Ernakulam. Sample characteristics and structured knowledge questionnaire were the tools used in the study. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study revealed that majority 88.8% of sample have average knowledge, 8.3% have good knowledge and 2.8% have poor knowledge regarding exclusive breast feeding. There was no significant association between knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding exclusive breast feeding with selected sample characteristics such as gravida, parity, mother’s age, mother’s education, employment status and period of gestation. The study concluded that even though antenatal mothers had average knowledge, they should be provided exclusive breast feeding counseling during the antenatal period.

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