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A study to assess effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding assessment of delirium in ICU patients in selected hospitals, Bangalore

Hemam Sangeeta Devi, S. Ilayaraja, S.A. Thanga Asha Aurelia


Introduction and objectives: Nurses give direct care to patients and spent much time with patients during hospitalization. Nurses should be vigilant to identify the delirium in ICU patients and to assess it along with medical team. Therefore  the investigator felt the need to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding assessment of delirium in ICU patients among staff nurses in selected hospitals, Bangalore. Through this study investigator also focused on imparting knowledge regarding assessment of delirium in ICU patients among staff nurses and to help them to  assess the delirium and also providing a quality nursing care. Methodology: In the present study, sixty staff nurses in selected hospital, Bangalore.  Purposive sampling technique was used  and  data was collected by using structured knowledge questionnaire. One group pre-test pre experimental design was adopted. The  descriptive and inferential statistics data used for analysis. Results: The pre-test mean knowledge score was 32.30% . The paired t-test value between pre- test and post -test was 17.86% which was statistically significant at 0.05 level degree of freedom.  This  Self instructional module on knowledge regarding assessment of delirium in ICU patients is highly effective in gaining  knowledge level of  the staff  nurses.Conclusion: The study shows  that self instructional module was effective in increasing the knowledge level of staff  nurses  regarding assessment of delirium in ICU patients.

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